Industry Specialties

Since 1916, Mason-McBride has collaborated with professionals from diverse industries. By partnering with reputable insurance providers, we can help address various industries' specific risks.

Healthcare Industry Insurance 

Providing insurance solutions to help manage risks unique to medical practices.

Manufacturing Insurance

Offering coverage options to address equipment, product liability, and workplace safety.

Aerospace Industry Insurance

Addressing risks associated with aircraft maintenance, liability, and regulatory compliance.

Staffing & HR Industry

Providing insurance solutions to help manage liability, worker's compensation, and client and employee disputes.

Technology Industry Insurnace

Providing insurance solutions to help manage risks against cyber threats, intellectual property issues, and technology errors and omissions.

Hospitality Industry Insurnace

Addressing risks associated with property damage, liability claims, and business interruptions for food and beverage services.

Fast Turnaround

We work efficiently to get you covered as soon as possible.

Proactive Service

Our account managers are here to help you navigate the road ahead.

Carrier Selection

Our wide range of business insurance carriers ensures a variety of options.